Going through my head filled with cheese, and turning it into Chocolate

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Tuesday, August 29

Quote of the Day
"Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em,
"Certainly, I can!" Then get busy and find out how to do it."
- Theodore Roosevelt

posted by Drea Beth on 4:36 PM

How big is the human genome?
You may have heard of the recently completed "human genome project,"
a monumental project undertaken to decode the entire DNA sequence of
a human being (the human genome). Just how big is that sequence?
Each human cell contains 46 chromosomes, each of which is a DNA
molecule wrapped around proteins called histones. If all the DNA
molecules in one cell were unwrapped from the histones and stretched
out end-to-end, the total length would be about six feet (2 meters).
Almost every cell in your body contains six feet of DNA, wrapped up
into a very compact space.
If all the information in the human genome were printed in small
type, it would fill a thousand thick telephone directories. The
whole sequence contains about three billion base pairs (the genetic
equivalent of alphabet letters), including some 50,000 - 100,000
genes, each of which codes for a specific protein.

posted by Drea Beth on 6:18 AM

caustic [adj. or n. KAHS-tik]
When someone makes a bitter or critical comment about someone they
are being caustic. A caustic remark is sharply sarcastic. Near
synonyms include: cutting, scathing, and acrid. Example: "His
caustic jokes always made Ruth uncomfortable but the others just
In a technical sense, caustic describes anything that is capable of
eating away at something. A near synonym is corrosive. As a noun,
caustic refers to a substance that destroys something by chemical

posted by Drea Beth on 6:15 AM

Day 2. Littl' pretty is very sick today so T is staying home and taking her to the Dr. I am going to leave early today in hopes to find a fricken parking spot. I need to do some reading from 10 - 12:00 so I will be in the caf.

posted by Drea Beth on 6:11 AM


Monday, August 28

I got the first day tiredness. I will tell about it tomorrow. I HAVE to go to bed and get some sleep now. ! Night!

posted by Drea Beth on 9:00 PM


Friday, August 25

produkte The silver mug with the tree on it is one of the cups we have. The other has silver leaves on a white background.

posted by Drea Beth on 10:39 PM

alfi Basic Produkte The cute silver one at the bottom.

posted by Drea Beth on 10:09 PM

I could not wait until tomorrow, I Had to go and get my books TODAY. The Geog. book wasn't in. It is not even picked out by the Professor yet, and hasn't been ordered.Other then that, I bought 6 books, no pens, pencils paper, notebooks or supplies what-so-ever. Total = $285.15. (That's highway robbery).
I can not describe how happy I am right now! Everything is coming together. The meeting this morning with child care assistance went very well. It's all settled, day-care starts on Monday. My co-pay is only $105.00 a month. This is Really good considering without assistance I would pay around $400-$500 a month.
I tried to pick up my parking permit but the lady at the counter couldn't find it so the office issued me a Temporary pass for the purple lot's. This is OK, things will work out. Now the only thing left to do is map out where I will park and find the correct buildings and rooms that each class is in. Also, I have to meet in the Wessink build. sometime on Monday to sign up for hours. Oh did I not tell you? I got what I asked for with my work study program. I asked to be placed in the Student computer lab. I got it!! YAAAAY. This will be fun and easy I just hope they won't make me wash the trays, (huh T?).
Today is alos T and my ~A~ day. It has been 7 years. The little ones are at there G-Ma's. She bought T and I an awesome thermos, mugs, little sugar and cream dishes, and cute stiring spoons. They all are made in the same design. It looks as if it came from the future, the pieces are a light silver and white-ish clear. It is from a place in Denmark, Germany made by Alfi. The box it came in said only Hoff. I think I will have some tea now, I am feeling fancy.I am going to try and find the place on-line. I will post a link if I find one. Later, Drea.

posted by Drea Beth on 9:59 PM


Thursday, August 24

Horoscope (by astronet.com)
You may sometimes feel that a partner or mate could burst the bubble of your ideas. If someone else criticizes what you do and how you think, it may be due to his or her inability to see your dreams as you do. Spend some time alone in order to keep your concepts alive. The ability to create ideal circumstances is one of your greatest gifts. Let others nit-pick and analyze all they want. Stick to your dreams.

posted by Drea Beth on 7:24 PM

Foggy here today. The lill' ones love it, they are out side now and as Pretty says, "running in it". I have silly kids. I must go out of the house today and get those papers I have been talking about for the past 3 days! Minnesota State in Mankato 4 days and counting. Ohhh man, does time go by WAY to fast.

posted by Drea Beth on 9:05 AM


harridan [n. HAR-ih-den]

sharp-tongued woman, especially one who is older, can be called a
harridan. This noun describes fierce, ill-tempered women who are
always scolding and disapproving. Near synonyms include: shrew and
hag. Example: "Bianca's older sister was an ill-tempered harridan
named Kate."
The word, in use since the 1700s, is perhaps a modification of the
French haridelle, which described an old horse or gaunt woman.
Making the leap from a horse to a woman who nags is not so
far-fetched when you recognize that the noun nag has been in use
since the 15th century to describe a horse that is old or in poor
condition. This latter noun developed from the Middle English nagge,
akin to the Dutch negge (small horse).

posted by Drea Beth on 8:39 AM


Wednesday, August 23

Forgetful Mommy Forgets Mabey better drop-in centers would be a good idea. Like the sign I read once said: Let the military have bake sales and raffles to raise money, and start building better schools and comunities for our children. Or something like that!

posted by Drea Beth on 8:32 PM

*It's a 'Girl' Thing too!* Girls kick ass.

posted by Drea Beth on 8:25 PM

Daddy made chocolete chip cookies with the girls. Mmmm Mmm Good. (He is Thebest cookie maker in the whole wide world)
On tonights dinner menu was,
Grilled Spicy Chicken
Fresh mixed Green Beans with Lemon Butter Sauce
Mashed potatoes
Fruit Salad
Milk &
Cookies for bed time snack. (I haven't lost my touch)
We ran out of peanutbutter today so tomorrows lunch will be mac & cheese, Every kids favorite meal!

posted by Drea Beth on 8:07 PM

Do other peoples kids really suck or is it just me? My boy invites the neighborhood dip-shit to go to G-ma's with them this Friday. The dip can't be nice to my boy for five minutes, and its only Wen. If I were G-ma, I'd have said Hell No he can't come with!
Good God, do I ever want to move out of here!

posted by Drea Beth on 9:37 AM

When accused of being a hopeless dreamer, you don't even blink. Your world view makes just as much sense as theirs, if not more. You like building with flexible materials to better withstand the wind and the tide.

posted by Drea Beth on 8:47 AM

Well, now that all this changing is done, Thanks to the webmistress (see link at bottom of page) I have a nice new look. And I must go to bed, the alarm will go off in 3 hours. Later

posted by Drea Beth on 2:56 AM


Tuesday, August 22

    After watching "The Matrix" again tonight, I feel very strange. I can remember the last time I saw it, all I thought of for days was the one line that the little bald headed girl said to Neo.... "There is no spoon." I used that phrase, in my own mind, to make the seemingly impossible, very do-able. Like when I would be scared to walk down the slippery side walk and cross the street and climb the stairs with a bag of books on my back, all without falling. (those who know me know why I fear this) I would think to myself there is no spoon, as in, I make happen what ever I think will happen. Soon I would be up the stairs and sitting in class with no worries, except for the test I didn't study for. Although, if I thought hard enough, and told myself I knew the answers, I would pass the test, not with A's mind you, but passing all the same. You might think I am full of shit, that's OK. I have thought the same for years. I noticed things like this happening to me at a young age, and I just thought I was nuts. It doesn't work for me all the time. Also, I have no idea when and if it will, sometimes it just does.
Any way, It is a good movie.
I did not ask Mr. T what the hell he ment by saying what he did earlier. I'm sure he will read this in the morning and leave me a note, (hint hint)

posted by Drea Beth on 11:52 PM

Today, while making supper, T looks over at me and says; "You sure have been being nice these past few days, you seem much happier, we all have noticed". Wha.......T? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is that a complement or a nice way of telling me I have been a bitch this whole summer? I don't recall being a bitch at all. As a matter of fact, I am the nice one out of the two of us. I said nothing to him about this because I was shocked and didn't know how to respond to a comment like that with out getting very mad.

posted by Drea Beth on 6:05 PM

Good Day,
I am feeling very tired again today for some reason. I need to go find my lil' chittlins. They ran behind the house and I haven't seen them for 10 min. We need to go pick up the mail and get the records I still need for the day-care woman. Mabey I'm tired cuz' T forgot to buy coffee filters, so I have not had my morning coffee. And I can't seem to wake up.
6 days left and counting.
I need to change this page layout soon, but I can not think of anything. I Need help.

posted by Drea Beth on 1:28 PM


Monday, August 21

Quote of the Day
"Very little is known of the Canadian country since it is rarely visited by anyone but the Queen and illiterate sport fishermen."
- P. J. O'Rourke

posted by Drea Beth on 3:24 PM

What is this all this talk of Neopets I am hearing? Why is it such a big deal? Or is it?

posted by Drea Beth on 2:05 PM


What kind of wasp has a metal-reinforced tail?
Female parasitic ichneumon [ik-NOO-mun] wasps have egg-laying organs
(ovipositors) that are reinforced with ionized manganese or zinc.
They need the strength of the metal because they must bore through
solid, dry wood to deposit their eggs.
When an ichneumon wasp detects that there is a beetle grub making its
characteristic chewing vibrations deep within a dead tree limb, she
uses her hard, sharp ovipositor to dig into the wood, sometimes as
deep as three inches (7.5 cm). When she reaches the chamber where
the beetle grub lives, she drops the egg.
Later, the wasp larva (having consumed the beetle grub) chews its way
out through the wood using metal-reinforced jaws.

posted by Drea Beth on 1:43 PM



rubric [n. ROO-brik]


A rubric is an established set of procedures, rules, or customs. An
authoritative set of instructions, a rubric can also be used as a
guideline for grading. "The professor gave her teaching assistants a
rubric to help them grade the students' papers."

Rubric can also refer to a heading or any part of a book printed in
red to differentiate it from the rest. This is the current usage
closest to the original meaning. Rubric is traced back to the Romans
who had a system of highlighting important messages in red. The
Greeks also printed feast days in red in their calendars (this is
where we get red-letter day to describe a special day).

The word rubric developed from the Middle English rubrike (a heading
in red letters). This was from the French rubrique, which is derived
from the Latin rubrica from ruber (red).

posted by Drea Beth on 1:40 PM

Do-It-Yourself POPE Found link off of elise's blog, Posted here for J & T. I comand you both to take a long, hard look at this site! (Te-He-He-He)

posted by Drea Beth on 12:25 AM


Sunday, August 20

Thanks for the pep-talk. I will keep that in mind. :~)

posted by Drea Beth on 11:52 PM

County mental health crisis team takes the call Wow, This should be everywhere!

posted by Drea Beth on 11:29 PM

Top stories - Moreover... news from 1500 online sources And a real good idea if your looking for news about any topic.

posted by Drea Beth on 11:15 PM

The Straits Times Interactive: SingaporeDon't you love when handicaped people are lumped in the same catagory as drug addicts?

posted by Drea Beth on 11:07 PM

Something is wrong............

I QUIT.........

posted by Drea Beth on 10:55 PM

The web is slow here today.
When I write on this thing, it seems like I am chatting with someone-only, I'm not. I'm talking to myself. Have we all lost our minds enough to sit and write letters to ourselves on a very expensive toy called the computer? Doesn't this seem silly? Or is it just me.?
Who do I think is going to read this shit? Why do I fool myself into thinking that I am keeping documentation of my life? For what reason do I think my life is worth being documented? This is to weird. It does not feel right. Why can't I use a pad of paper and a pencil like I did when I was a child? Why do I feel like an exhibitionist? Does any of this even matter? No, it doesn't. What is it that I hope to accomplish by writing this CRAP down? Like posted earlier today, I am bogged by unanswered questions.

posted by Drea Beth on 10:34 PM

Fall Semester at the U.
1. Eng 101 9:00am to 9:50 M, T, W, F
2. Anthro.101 10:00 am to 10:50 M, W, F
3. Geog. 101 11:00 am to 11:50 M, W, F
4. Envr. 101 12:00 pm to 12:50 M, T, W, Th
5. Ast. 115 2:00 pm to 2:50 W

posted by Drea Beth on 9:51 PM

Why can't my stomach settle down. I feel so much anxiety about school starting. All these stupid questions running around in my head. Will I find my classes ok? Will I find a place to park close enough to the buildings? Will I get my books in time? Will I feel like I did last time, old and out of place? Will I make friends? Will I do good? The list goes on and on. There is nothing I can do to make these questions be answered. Or is there? If you have the answers, PLEASE tell me what they are. I have a headace from hell, and my grandma is here for the next 5-7 days. (that is what I call the monthly thing).

posted by Drea Beth on 8:22 PM

Níl aon tintéan mar do thintéan féin.
There's no place like home.

posted by Drea Beth on 4:48 PM


I have slept all day. I just woke up. I guess I am catching up on all that lost sleep from last week. Last night we watched Cider House Rules. That movie was very good. When it was over we just sat for a few minutes without talking, just thinking about stuff. Neat. I like movies that make you think.
On the 25th of this month, it will be T and my 7th year of being together. I am hoping he will secretly plan something romantic and special for the occasion. The chittlin's will be at G-ma's. so we won't have to have them with us. G-ma is just getting back from a trip. She went to Germany, Italy and Switzerland. I can't wait to hear how it went. Also to see pictures of those places from someone (I know) who has been there will be wonderful.
Tonights menu was supposed to be Franks and Beans with a spinich bar for desert, but T wants to have leftovers. Last night the girls and I made Brownies for a Bunch, they turned out perfect!
One more week until school starts for me. I still need to get my books on the 26th.

posted by Drea Beth on 3:47 PM


Friday, August 18

BLOGGER - Discuss

posted by Drea Beth on 8:47 AM

Horoscope Crap
Be as generous to yourself as you are to others. People of all kinds are drawn to the vision of Pisces having fun. You step aboard a favorite movie that feels like it will never end.

posted by Drea Beth on 8:34 AM

Quote of the Day
"My girlfriend always laughs during sex-no matter what she's reading."
- Emo Philips

posted by Drea Beth on 8:32 AM

What is the oldest known musical score?
In Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra) in Syria, an ancient tablet was
discovered in the 1950s dating back to 1400 BC. The oldest known
musical score, it takes the form of interval names and number signs,
and even has lyrics. The text is identified as a hymn to the moon
goddess Nikkal.
There is some controversy among ancient musicologists over the proper
interpretation of the notes, but all agree that it is a genuine
musical score. The markings were made in cuneiform (wedge-shaped
symbols) in the Hurrian language, and there is an exact
correspondence between the syllables of the text and the musical
The find was especially interesting because it overturned
conventional views of ancient music, showing that the diatonic
(7-note) scale and musical harmony were in use more than a thousand
years earlier than was thought.

posted by Drea Beth on 8:31 AM


Thursday, August 17

Right now I am filling in the dates in my Day-Timer. Boring.
Vonnie was climbing around on her bed and hit her tooth on the headboard. It was bleeding.
The way kids think about things and adult think about things is WAY different.
They thought there was blood "pouring down her mouth", says Ace.
When it was only a little dot of blood right on the tooth it's self. Silly kids.

posted by Drea Beth on 11:48 AM

The New York Times on the Web
Many of the nation's biggest law firms have cut back on pro bono work so sharply that they fall far below professional guidelines for representing people who cannot afford to pay.
It has begun.

posted by Drea Beth on 12:33 AM

Vox Populi: Poll Results
OH YA, I like this!! Keep it up USA. The "Lesser" evil will do just nicely.

My new Bummper sticker will read, No Crack heads for Pres. Vote for Gore! It may look stuipd but thats ok, it's a bummper sticker for crying out loud. Their all stupid when you think about it long enough.

posted by Drea Beth on 12:22 AM


Wednesday, August 16

I just watched The Green Mile. It was really good. My quote for today is going to have to be from that movie.

"I think the cheese fell off his cracker"

Tonights Menu at the crap house was,

left over boiled potatoes (with an egg added and fryed up into pattys)
With scrambled eggs. (I found a new way to make them. Use water in place of the milk. Wow, What a diffrence in taste.)
Also some cucumber slices, and zucchini for desert. The lil' crappers just loved it. And ate it all up.

Update- Ace mans appointment went well, the good doc says he will be fine. The doc knows I like to treat things the old way when ever possible so he told me to soak his finger in very strong salt water. And keep it clean. I saved my self a good $25 - $40 on a prescription. While at the doc's office, Ace got a bloody nose out of the blue. I tell ya this kids a weird one.

Well I think I'm off to bed now. I need to do a little reading tonight. I am in a book club and we are reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. I have barely started it.

posted by Drea Beth on 11:48 PM

Famous Irish Quotes - William Butler Yeats
Too long a sacrifice/ Can make a stone of the heart.

posted by Drea Beth on 4:25 PM

Madonna gives birth to baby boy Rocco "English film director Guy Ritchie and Madonna are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Rocco Ritchie, on Aug. 11, 2000,"
I didn't even know she was with child Why is it a big deal when she gives birth? I know lots of women who have done it. (Don't you?!!!) There names aren't all over the news. This makes me Sick.

posted by Drea Beth on 4:22 PM

Welcome to Minnesota State University, MankatoBooks on the 26th. Whoo hoo.

posted by Drea Beth on 4:13 PM

Peanutbutter, honey and banana sandwiches for lunch. With pickels and milk. Asa has to go to the Dr. today. Last week he poked his finger on a rose bush and now it just doesn't look right. 2:40 pm.

posted by Drea Beth on 12:26 PM

Last time I tryed to log, my puter crashed. so Here I am again doing a Test. Oh, ya, I loined the webloggers web ring. Notice the link to the left.

posted by Drea Beth on 11:57 AM

ProBoost: Web site promotion and marketing.Isn't there a better way to list your site? For free? I finished another web set. This one is Green Just click on the thumbnail to see it. Tell me what you think.

posted by Drea Beth on 12:16 AM


Tuesday, August 15

Life is ours to be spent, not to be saved.
--David Herbert Lawrence

posted by Drea Beth on 9:12 AM

Daily horoscope CRAP

Let the heat fall elsewhere for these next days. It's cool and private in
someone else's shadow. Eventually, of course, you'll have to
stand on your own. Rest up for your next blaze of glory.

posted by Drea Beth on 9:08 AM


Monday, August 14

Terragen plus Pos t- The Terragen Post-processing Site Ya Baby Ya.

posted by Drea Beth on 9:30 PM


posted by Drea Beth on 8:30 PM


posted by Drea Beth on 6:54 PM

Tonight, my girl shoved Pepper up her nose. She said she wanted to see if it would make her sneeze. Good heavens, I was lost for words.

Fall Semester at the U.

1. Eng 101 9:00am to 9:50 M, T, W, F

2. Anthro.101 10:00 am to 10:50 M, W, F

3. Geog. 101 11:00 am to 11:50 M, W, F

4. Envr. 101 12:00 pm to 12:50 M, T, W, Th

5. Ast. 115 2:00 pm to 2:50 W

I can't wait for school to start.

posted by Drea Beth on 6:44 PM

Cool Word of the Day


p's and q's [peas-n-KYUZ]


Your p's and q's are something that you should be mindful of. It can
be manners or behavior, but when you're minding your p's and q's you
are being careful to be at your very best. Example: "Pete had to
watch his p's and q's when he went out to dinner with his in-laws."

There are many explanations of the origins of p's and q's but the
most common is that it is derived from the phrase "mind one's p's and
q's." This is said to have been a refrain heard in 18th century
schools alluding to the difficulty children had learning to write the
very similar "p" and "q". A similar theory states that typesetters
had a problem distinguishing between the two letters because they had
to look at the letters backwards.

posted by Drea Beth on 4:18 PM

IGN FilmForce - Your Daily Dose of Middle-Earth
T, have you seen this? Erics twin.

posted by Drea Beth on 4:09 PM

I am trying to learn how to work this blog

posted by Drea Beth on 10:15 AM

Daily horoscope CRAP

Your string of surprises continues. You might be just a bystander instead of the director this time. Everything that happens may not be in your favor, but you're in love with the act of discovery.

posted by Drea Beth on 9:54 AM

Google Great, Better than all the rest.

posted by Drea Beth on 9:50 AM


posted by Drea Beth on 9:35 AM


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