

Right up my alley
How was the first radio telescope developed?

A radio telescope is a highly directional radio antenna that is able
to create a map of the sky by recording signals coming from different
directions. Although radio engineer Karl Jansky was the first to
identify deep space radio signals in 1931, his antenna was not good
at pinpointing individual sources.
The first steerable radio telescope was built in 1937 by Grote Reber,
who had applied to work with Jansky but was turned down because of
the poor economic times. So he decided to build his own radio
telescope, a 31.4-foot metal dish (9.6 meters) mounted on a
directional cradle in Wheaton, Illinois.
With his radio telescope, Reber was able to detect radio emissions
from the Sun, the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, and several
other "radio-bright" sources. By 1941, he had completed the first
crude radio survey of the northern sky. Today his radio telescope is
an historical monument in Green Bank, West Virginia.

posted by ~ Cream ~ @ 7:09 AM Discuss this post


Why do some mushrooms glow?
If you have walked in damp woods on a dark night and you have good
night vision, you may have noticed a glowing mushroom growing from a
decaying log. Although glowing mushrooms are common, their glow is
not usually bright enough to attract human attention.

Mushrooms that glow are attracting insects and small animals that
want to eat them. Some of the spores the mushroom produces end up
getting attached to the outside of the eaters, and are later
deposited far away, spreading the fungus around.

Fungi have other ways of attracting potential spore-spreaders. Some,
like the foul-smelling stinkhorns, emit an odor that attracts
flies and beetles. Some flowering plants also use foul odors to
attract the flies or other insects that pollinate them.

posted by ~ Cream ~ @ 6:59 AM Discuss this post


Well I have gotten some good advice from T and my dad! I am going to stay in the class but not go to class anymore. This should fix my problem!!!

posted by ~ Cream ~ @ 7:01 AM Discuss this post


Anthro. class sucks!!!!!
All this guy ever talks about is himself or the fact that Everyone has two arms two legs and fingers that can do this, (as he plays with his fingers, doing weird things). Then he says "The only thing that seperates us from the monkeys is this". "Monkeys can not hold things like we do, they would hold things with (he shows us) there wrist not bent and there fingers only bent at the knuckles on there fingers". "Wait- a- minute" I think to my self, "Thats how I hold things, I also only use two fingers on each of my hands". The more I sat there the more pissed off I became. This fucker is sitting up there telling the whole class that someone like me is not human. This is not the first time he has said shit like this. It is the first time I had a vision in my own head of what he was trying to say. I could see myself as he would see me, a primate. This was my first class of the day and I need not say how the rest of the stupid day went. Except that I came home early.
I need to go do some reading in my Geog. book. and work on my narritive for my Eng. paper.

posted by ~ Cream ~ @ 3:59 PM Discuss this post


What's Your True Color?
Inquisitive and logical, BROWN is the color of your personality.

If you were any loonier, you'd be committed! When it comes to wild, hilarious behavior and unabashed comic stunts, you are the reigning champ.

posted by ~ Cream ~ @ 9:40 PM Discuss this post

I have a question

Why aren't there Down Syndrome dolls or dolls born with no legs or congenitive twin dolls?
Is it because no one would play with them or buy them? Are dolls a way of telling young children what the "Perfect, Alfa Human" should look like?
If this is so, what does it say to someone who is handicap? Or a child with a disability?
All cultures have toy dolls of some kind. So why do we not have dolls that resemble all human life instead of only the so called "Pretty" ones.
We have white dolls, black dolls, asian dolls, indian dolls, all different kinds.
Does this mean the handicapped have not had a revolution yet?
My mind is filled with questions like these.

posted by ~ Cream ~ @ 9:09 PM Discuss this post

Many things happening here. School started for all of us at my house now, except for T he still goes to work everyday. I seem to be spending all of my time just trying to catch up in my classes with the readings. I have 3 projects in 3 different classes going right now. One is Very involved. It is an experiment in the amount of water used and waste thrown away. So for two months I have to mark down every time I flush the toilet, take a shower, wash my hands, do dishes, laundry, what food I throw away, junk-mail, plastics and other garbage. I have made a huge chart on a big marker board to aid me in this tedious task. After the two months are done I have to find some way to compile all this data and find percentages and write a report.
Everyday when I walk from Anthro. class to Geog. class I pick a leaf off of the tree branch that hangs down far enough for me to reach. I keep it in my hand for the rest of the day, and it reminds me of outside, the smell of the air and the sun. It also helps me keep my mind focused on why I am there, what I am doing with my life and that I will never give up. All that from a little leaf. But I say, "If it works, use it!" I have many of these leafs now, all are flat from being put in my notebook after school.

posted by ~ Cream ~ @ 9:32 AM Discuss this post

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